
The ADC has enters its proposals to work of form to multidiscipline, appealing to other areas of study to understand and to explain the discursivos phenomena. With this support, we arrive at the understanding of that these phenomena that contribute for the perpetuation of the sexual violence against children involve silenciamento and interdiction. The first one comes of the contribution of studies on social sort and deals with a mark of the identity that has its silenced voice. The child many times is not believed and appeals to silence so that pass for diffidence or paradoxicalally not to attack somebody evidently respected and admired, the abuser. Already the interdiction deals with subjects that cause constaint and they cannot be argued in public or any environment. These are the sex and the violence.

Worse, when the fact involves the two at the same time. To surpass silence tax and to open the quarrel on the subject it is a way not to perpetuate the aggression. This because the abuser counts, yes, with this condition of the child, a silenced and discredited individual. Moreover, to speak on the crime is constrangedor, even though for the minors. We must have the care not to vulgarize the subject for the permanent and unnecessary exposition, the point of leaving in them insensitive. It is necessary to appeal the psychological support to know to deal with the speech on the subject with the children.

They must be prepared to obtain to make what she is possible in regards to this violence. in the difficulty and immaturity, the lesser account with who? The responsible parents or. It is important he has enough opening and he counts on the confidence of its cuidadores. In interview to the magazine Who in 2010, the actress Claude Jimenez considered important to show that already it passes for such problem and that at the time did not talk with the family from fear of the father, for the visible friendship that it had for Mr. whom he abused it. In the same deposition, it appealed so that the family takes care of of the children she defends and them with the following words: ' ' The parents need to take well-taken care of very. The children never must leave to frequentar alone the house of other people, for more respectable than they seem. He is everything dangerous and very painful. The pedofilia is serious, is necessary that if it speaks of it and that it pass to be considered hideous crime, so that the punishment to the pedfilos is more severa' '. It notices in the words of Claude an importance of if speaking of the subject, for more painful than either, and giving space so that the children feel confidence to speak with the responsible parents or on any situation that them seems stranger. Sandro Xavier Doutorando in lingustica, UnB Published in the Braziliense Post office, 24 of December of 2011, Saturday.