
For example, instead of optimal use better. Reduce the use of jargon and acronyms. Split large paragraphs and trim dense prayers or redundant as if it were a forum for articles. The loose wording can move away to readers. Nobody wants to spend 10 minutes reading a prayer before you get to understand it. Go directly to the grain in the letters, memoranda and messages by email.

Use the active voice whenever possible. This will help to make your writing concise and will keep the reader following an agile rhythm in the document. For example, instead of typing, the proposals they will be reviewed by the selection Committee, I should write, selection Committee will review the proposals. Avoid the sense of humor inappropriate. If I had to include a joke or a comment within a message by email, leave it to the end. 3 Must create formats for documents properly create formats for your documents to ensure that they are easy to read as well as appropriate for the type of document in question.

Use the font such as Times New Roman serif fonts for the text. They are easier to read. (Serifs are small seals or ornaments of the letters). Try to limit the use of typefaces in the font sans-serif such as the Arial in titles or captions. Leave margins without justifying rather than justified. Keep paragraphs short to avoid intimidating blocks of text. Vary the number of lines per paragraph to make that document is more interesting to view. Use lists marked with bullets and subtitles to make complex material easier to understand and to add visual appeal. If appropriate, use graphics, maps or other devices to help convey the important information but do not reload the document with superfluous details. In email messages, delete inappropriate titles and leave the original message so that the reader can put your reply in context. Remember though electronic messages may be more informal, constituting yet commercial correspondence. Be sure to include a greeting and finished with a polite farewell, have very into account the previous tips to write a good article or correspondence, to future you vera reflected the results. 4. Keep on hand drafting instruments spelling Correctors of the computer can be very helpful, but do not trust them to discover all their mistakes. Keep some basic hand drafting instruments. Buy a good dictionary and one of like-minded. Use a manual of style such as The Chicago Manual of Style or The United States Government Printing Office Style Manual, for guidance. A style guide may offer you some ideas such as which words should carry letters and when you must abbreviate words. Ask your customers if they have any preference. If possible, request a technical editor to review your work. Remember that to write well, you need patience and practice so get good income for your items if this is the case. Read examples of good writing from novels up to marketing materials can also be invaluable to improve your own writing.