Rio De Janeiro

' ' History receives its vocabulary, therefore in its bigger part, of the proper substance of its study. Accepted it, already tired and deformed for long use; ambiguous, you unite, not rare since the origin, as all system of expression that does not result of the severely agreed effort of tcnicos' ' (Bloch 2001:136 p). The last chapter is incomplete, did not receive a heading, it has broken consideraes concerning the causes of the historical facts, and that such causes are not claimed and yes searched, not having as predetermined it makes critical to the positivismo, that a fact is on to the other and that the productions of the proper historian will have consequences and influences. It finishes saying: ' ' Summarizing everything, the causes, in history as in other domnios, they are not claimed. They are buscadas' ' (Bloch 2001:158 p). CONCLUSIONS OF the AUTHORSHIP Are evidenced in the book that some basic slight knowledge on what all history is: social, mutant, transforming, and that history must be problematizada; This workmanship of Bloch ahead portraies of clear, direct and consistent form the position and the performance of the historian of its paper in the society.

Sending for the professor of history of the one clear position of the educator ahead of the importance of history as science of the men. It writes on fundamental concepts of the craft of the historian, synthecizes the historian and its producing function while of the historical knowledge. BIBLIOGRAPHICAL REFERENCE BLOCH, Marc Leopold Benjamin, Vindication of history, or, the craft of historian. Rio De Janeiro: Jorge Zahar Ed., 2001.