Animation Series

Rights have canido area in the hands of Joel Silver, producer of the jungle of glass, lethal weapon and Matrix sagas. The story focuses on a boy who discovers a strange wrist watch which allows you to transform into 10 different aliens. The Ben 10 animated series will have their film adaptation of the hand of producer Joel Silver and his company Silver Pictures, it said in a statement the channel Cartoon Network. Silver thus acquires the rights for the development and production of the franchise. I can’t think of anyone better prepared to Silver to develop this adventure full of action based on our Ben 10 franchise, said Stuart Snyder, President of the animation division for youth, adults and children of the company Turner Broadcasting System.As producer of sagas of great success as J ungla Crystal, lethal weapon and Matrix and so known films as Sherlock Holmes and the book of Eli, Joel have the passion and the knowledge needed to become a spectacular experience for our Ben 10 fans, added Snyder. The series focuses on a boy who discovers a strange wrist watch which allows you to transform into 10 different aliens with extraordinary powers. The format was released in January 2006 and has become a global success through their issuance in 165 countries. The original Ben 10 series was continued by Ben 10: Alien Force in April 2008, and by Ben 10: Ultimate Alien, in the spring of 2010. The news source: the Ben 10 animated series? will jump to the cinema