Espirito Santo

Then we say that in religion the renewal if makes necessary and deity and religion are synonymous of renewal in the search to the creator. The Umbanda is a septenary religion conducted for the sacred one, that is, it is based on the seven divine lines that are seven to be able or seven irradiations. The Christianity is based on the sacred three day’s devotion, that is, three to be able of the creation that was classified as: the Father, the Son and the Espirito Santo. The Umbanda if bases on these seven to be able or divine irradiations that are the Seven Lines of Umbanda and that they are not seven orixs and yes seven to be able or mental the holy ghosts that all conducts the creation. The infinite deities in same itself, all they radiate from these seven lines and as well as a Espirito Santo does not exist, but yes an energy spiritual that involves and magnetizes all the espritos that if santificaram and despertaram its superior consciences and as the Umbanda if it bases on septenary sacred or the seven lines of forces, all its mysteries is on to these seven to be able the holy ghosts and that they are represented through the seven directions, of the seven elements, the seven colors, the seven symbols etc. and as well as ten orders canalized for Moises had been chosen and that they had given to base the religion Jewish and that they serve even so footing for the same one we know that the orders or the laws of God are infinite these same ten orders are renewed in two order cited for Jesus Christ who says: You will love you all your God of your heart, all your soul and all your agreement. This is the great first order and as, fellow creature to this, is: You will love to your next one as you exactly.