
Ideas to save energy, and consequently, money seem to have no limits. This happens in Vienna, where, thanks to the controversy that has brought this latest project used by the largest funeral company in there, it has been possible to see the why many people are indignant there: the funeral company wants to heat their offices with crematoria will use heat from the crematorium, told the Austrian press spokesman of the company, Jurgen Sild, which felt proud of having had an ecological idea, which respected the environment. The trick is to place the offices of such funeral home near crematoria, in which reach temperatures exceeding 800 degrees Celsius. So it is possible to take advantage of the heat for the two obvious causes: burning the dead, and heat into the offices. The new plant has a gas heating. But plans to the energy that is used for the incineration also use the system to retrieve energy. It may sound stupid, but this also is protecting the climate, he said, Jurgen Sild.

This idea is not liked by people, among other reasons, because he is not respected the right to the deceased. The more important and the country, the Kronen Zeitung, read newspaper has already announced what is happening at this funeral home, under the name La Vienna funeral home will heat their offices with dead. According to the company itself, are often incinerated an average of 20 bodies per day. _ _ CreativosRed News (