Chronic Rhythm

The strokes of the cane had the rhythm of its heart. There it went the old one, short steps, lost cloudy eyes in the time, hitting strong its cane. Body arcado for its almost one hundred years. Come of its country, when child, early learned the treatment of the land. Each storaged of the cane came back to the time that cavoucava to sow. It had much to count, to teach, but nobody to hear, to learn, then it beat the cane as form of if communicating, to be noticed, to be perceived. More day, little day, would leave.

Tired, it tried to say with the strokes, the importance of the work of that they cultivate with love for the sustenance of that, comfortably they harvest its foods in the shelves of quitandas and of the supermarkets. Vine it an old concern. There without sidewalk to beat the cane, as if to communicate with God? What to speak, on its existence and accomplishments? How many talentos to return to the creator if everything what it made in the life it was to cultivate, to sow and spoon? Afluam to say to it of its father on: ' ' The equal importance of one high pine in the top of the mountain and a fragile one vegetation in the deep one of one vale' '. ' ' It had one alone benefactor of the fed humanity if with what he produces, already would have I validate the penalty existncia' '. It learned to sow to take care of of the plantation with affection, love and devotion, therefore cantigas to sing to sleep of its mother said that an angel would harvest optimum fruit to take the God in the sky.

Optimum producer would be awardee, directly for It in the special day. The message transmitted with vigorous beating of the cane was: It makes, always makes. It will have who can make better that you, but make. It always looks for to make optimum. ' ' Each one contributes as it considered in its heart; not with sadness, nor for constaint; because God loves what of the one with alegria' '. Bible does not import if nobody noticing. It sees it to god. ' ' A foot farmer is greater that a noble of joelhos' '. (Benjamin Franklin).

Charles Roven

By reinforcing the profile of its branches in 24 European countries, LIDL bears helped to support the positioning of the Superman brand as a strong symbol of pop culture. ABOUT MAN OF STEEL Warner Bros. We present pictures and Legendary Pictures of steel, with Henry Cavill in the lead role as Clark Kent/Superman and Zack Snyder as Director. It produced Thomas and Deborah Snyder of steel by Christopher Nolan, Charles Roven, Emma. The screenplay was written by David S.

Goyer, refers to a story by Goyer and Nolan, and is based on the Superman character that Jerry Siegel & Joe Shuster created and published at DC entertainment. Thomas Tull, Lloyd Phillips and Joe Peters act as Executive producers. It is of steel hire by Warner Bros. Pictures, a company of Warner Bros. Entertainment, and is expected to start on the 14th June 2013 in the cinemas. on WARNER BROS. CONSUMER PRODUCTS Warner Bros.

Consumer products, a Warner Bros. Entertainment company, is one of the world’s leading licensing and merchandising company. For more information, see. about DC ENTERTAINMENT DC entertainment, to which many iconic brands like DC Comics (Superman, Batman, Green Lantern, Wonder Woman, the Flash), Vertigo (Sandman, fables) and MAD belong, provides its content Warner Bros. Entertainment and Time Warner at the disposal. The Publisher works with numerous key departments by Warner Bros. strategically together to his stories and characters, all to bring into circulation, include media, film, television, consumer products, home entertainment, interactive games, and more. Each year’s DC entertainment published thousands of comics, graphic novels and magazines and is therefore around the world as the largest English-language Publisher for comics. In January 2012 launched DC entertainment in association with Warner Bros. and the Division of time Warner the campaign we can be heroes, is especially emphasized in the the Justice League of super heroes. In this way, the unit will be used to raise awareness for the hunger crisis in the Horn of Africa and funds won. ABOUT LIDL the History of the food chain Lidl goes back until the 1930s, when business as assortment food wholesale in Germany was founded. Today, Lidl is among the largest food retailers of in Germany and is also an international group of companies with independent affiliates throughout Europe. In the 1990s, involved Lidl beyond the borders of Germany and opened the first stores in other European countries. The company now has the largest network of discount grocery stores in Europe and will play a prominent role in the future in the development of new markets.

Diversity Management As A Success Factor In The Fight Against Shortage

Many companies are in the ‘war for talent’ on diversity management Eltville – Erbach, June 25, 2013 – the shortage predicted for a long time has long since arrived in Germany and is currently many employers face ever greater challenges. “Many companies are in the war for talent” therefore on diversity management: but even though this topic in the management floor has arrived, company address often only individual measures, such as the introduction of a women’s quota or the international search for talents and potentials. Too often lacks a targeted, strategic, and above all holistic diversity management. Diversity is more complex than a pure women of diversity includes far more than a designated gender management to increase the proportion of women in companies. A comprehensive diversity management involves extensive factors, such as, for example, culture, religion, age or life style in the long-term strategy. But the implementation of a holistic approach to diversity is especially in the occupation of Currently reluctant implemented top positions. Company top management must be a targeted diversity strategy as a holistic response to the major business trends,”explains Claudia Schmidt, Managing Director of Mutaree GmbH.

Globalization, demographic change or shortage can meet companies with innovations and resourcefulness of its employees. “And so should see HR diversity as an integral part of modern management.” Socio-economic interactions companies that are already engaged in a sophisticated culture of diversity, praising the excellent opportunities arising from an intercultural team. Thus he expands experience-honey and the innovation ability of employees at the daily cooperation. Intercultural cooperation and integration can develop very quickly as a valuable asset in company”, explains Schmidt. National social, political and cultural dealing forms should Nowadays belong to the be-all and end-all in the knowledge of the business.” Key factors are currently the most prominent topics for the HR challenges that show but also many opportunities in the diversity management an aging workforce and the shortage of concomitant.

Ford Focus

Recognizing the power of persons information is everywhere at the same time and consumers are informed about the majority of products, what sale must be based on dialogue and not in selling with a monologue. In this sense, the web site exposes strategies as assisted search, which deals with those who want to save time and await the recommendations of their purchases via e-mail. Unlike the self-management, which alludes to those customers who prefer to personally find the products you need to get good results. The customer decides. Create values together first, with the transactional Marketing, the company defined and created value for consumers. With relationship Marketing, it focused on attract, develop and retain profitable customers.

But the new collaborative Marketing, as called by Kotler, should focus on working with the customer together create unique ways to generate value. Emmanuel Rouzet explains in his book the wine marketing a novel technique that exposes customers to smell different types of wine, and to discover the aromas, even when not are exactly those levied by the company. Your answer will be useful to make some modifications to the product. For them, the valid is not know, but how perceived it its customers. New methods for reaching the customer is monitored to dissatisfied customers, since the word of mouth marketing, is now key to key. This refers to Internet allows you to reach a greater number of people. Kotler, moreover, places special emphasis on a new strategy called Permission Marketing (or marketing with permission), and exposes them as a good way that the client can indicate whether or not to receive any advertising.

The launch of the Ford Focus is a good example. The automotive identified 120 people in six key markets, and left them to use free of charge, for six months a Focus and promotional material of the same.

Beatle John Lennon

It was a copy of an unreleased film of the year 1916. In the auction won a coin with the effigy of Lennon. It is possible to return to auction in the near future. A copy of an unpublished 1916 film that includes images of the brilliant British comic actor Charlie Chaplin (1889-1977) was this Wednesday without a buyer at an auction held at Bonhams in London House in which won a coin with the effigy of John Lennon. A spokeswoman for Bonhams explained that tape, nearly seven minutes of duration, aroused great interest, but when the truth was not awarded, for reasons difficult to explain. Despite the disappointment at not having placed the piece, which had generated a lot of media attention, the auction house ventured that it is possible to return to auction in the future, that are still doing studies on its characteristics and provenance. The film has a curious history, since it was acquired in 2009 by its current owner, Morace Park, in the portal auction eBay by 3.20 pounds (3.7 euros, 5.3 dollars), and then found that it is one of the first existing samples of animated cinema.

The tape, which has aroused the curiosity of scholars of the old cinema, Charlie Chaplin is entitled in Zepped, although the interpreter born in London did not expressly for the production, but that her scenes have been extracted from others of your tapes. However, specialists consider that the film, shot on 35 mm nitrate negative, is valuable and important by itself, because it is one of the earliest examples of animation known in the history of cinema. By what can be seen, shows images of the bombing of a Zeppelin on London, while Chaplin acts with his particular style. Limited series of 500 coins Los Zeppelin were used during the first world war in bombings against France and England, so Zepped would have designed to dispel fears of that artifact with the humor of the comedian London. However, the star of the bid Today, dedicated to memories of the world of the show, was a gold coin with the face of former Beatle John Lennon, which was topped by 72,000 pounds 80,000 euros (116,000 dollars), well above its price estimated between 1,000 (1,114 euros, 1,606 dollars) and 1,500 pounds (1,670 euros, 2.410 dollars). It is a coin who coined the British Mint – coin factory – in 2010 once the citizens vote in a competition for his civilian followers. The legendary singer was the most voted, and the Mint issued a limited series of 500 silver coins with his face and a gold – five pounds sterling (5.56 EUR, 8,03 dollars) – given by way of appreciation to Yoko Onno, second wife of John Lennon. Source of the news: A film with Chaplin stays without a buyer in a bid where wins a coin of Lennon