Diversity Management As A Success Factor In The Fight Against Shortage

Many companies are in the ‘war for talent’ on diversity management Eltville – Erbach, June 25, 2013 – the shortage predicted for a long time has long since arrived in Germany and is currently many employers face ever greater challenges. “Many companies are in the war for talent” therefore on diversity management: but even though this topic in the management floor has arrived, company address often only individual measures, such as the introduction of a women’s quota or the international search for talents and potentials. Too often lacks a targeted, strategic, and above all holistic diversity management. Diversity is more complex than a pure women of diversity includes far more than a designated gender management to increase the proportion of women in companies. A comprehensive diversity management involves extensive factors, such as, for example, culture, religion, age or life style in the long-term strategy. But the implementation of a holistic approach to diversity is especially in the occupation of Currently reluctant implemented top positions. Company top management must be a targeted diversity strategy as a holistic response to the major business trends,”explains Claudia Schmidt, Managing Director of Mutaree GmbH.

Globalization, demographic change or shortage can meet companies with innovations and resourcefulness of its employees. “And so should see HR diversity as an integral part of modern management.” Socio-economic interactions companies that are already engaged in a sophisticated culture of diversity, praising the excellent opportunities arising from an intercultural team. Thus he expands experience-honey and the innovation ability of employees at the daily cooperation. Intercultural cooperation and integration can develop very quickly as a valuable asset in company”, explains Schmidt. National social, political and cultural dealing forms should Nowadays belong to the be-all and end-all in the knowledge of the business.” Key factors are currently the most prominent topics for the HR challenges that show but also many opportunities in the diversity management an aging workforce and the shortage of concomitant.