Superior Court

They believe these that cannot the Law compel the responsible one to feel affection for the son, being impossible to impose the maintenance of a breached sentimental bow already. Such bow is element that happens of the spirit, of the psychic human being, not being able the Law to determine its creation or extinguishing. The legislator could not, according to this chain, to invade such human field, which is, of the sentimentalidade. The Superior Court of Justice, also, already was disclosed in this direction. Kind of appeal Brazilian Supreme Court known and provided. On the other hand, it has those that believe to be the affectivity to have effectively of the parents. In view of the formation of the infant who is influenced directly by the presence of its genitors in the formation of its opinion, personal character and relations, it is clear the extreme relevance of the relationship between parents and children. Such relationship, pautado in the love, affection, affection and others is basic for the emotional growth of the child. The affection represents: To divide colloquies, to distribute affection, conquests, hopes and concerns; to show ways, to learn, to receive and to supply information. It means to illuminate with the flame of the affection that always heated the scioafetivos heart of parents and children, the space reserved for God in the soul and in designs of each mortal, to receive as son that one that was generated inside of its heart. (MADALENO, 2004, P. 08). The proper scientific community recognizes this, when in its specialized scientific articles in the subject, they recommend that, in the separation hypotheses, the guard is shared possible, so that the infant can be supplied in the installment of this necessity that to all we are natural.

Conjugal Relationship

brakes the person. The men need to change its habits disfigure alone without saying where go, sleeping outside of house, manteremconversas and tricks with other women and to want to standardize suasesposas. In the same way the women with its husbands. The obligatoriness of the submission to the husband can at the beginning be queuma of the biggest difficulties faced soon of casamentoseja, aquelasque always had mainly been independent. Our advice:. They make the possible one to live with certain distance of the paternal house. To inhabit with the parents, or in cmodos yielded in> Therefore seupai will leave the man and its mother and will become attached it its woman and will be both a meat None of the two will have to act separately, to take decisesindividualmente and to disrespect the opinions of the other.

The life of casados a partnership, one> together Andaro two, if will not be in agreement? Am.3: 3. Lack of amorO conjugal love can be compared with a small plant that to necessitaser adubada, irrigated and protecting so that it can grow, to florir to eproduzir its fruits. Thus it will have to be the relationship of the couple. Affection, respect, attention and love are the ingredients insubstituveispara the growth and matureness of the marriage. It is good for remembering that overdadeiro conjugal love does not cool nor diminishes with passing> Therefore its father will leave the man and its mother will eapegar it its woman the tears, sadnesses and frustrations comeamquando one decides to substitute the other. To the times, the routine can take umapessoa to look some type of escape, such as: To pass very tempoassistindo television, playing with video games and sailing close, do not question, it does not think and it does not dialogue. The other says eela does not answer, and when it answers, it makes question to reaffirm suaposio of neutrality.

Leaving the criterion of the other asresponsabilidades of the decisions. The mutismo is deeply harmful, accurately because it inhibits outrapessoa, discouraging the approach and the dialogue. Such which house closed floodgates and windows, hindering the light it sun to enter, thus is apessoa that it is isolated in its complexes, leaving to exert one dascoisas more beautiful of> life: To speak! The dialogue is an infallible remedy for the cure of many males queassolam the couples. Dialoguing the people if they understand, if they pardon ecolocam the life in normality. The dialogue can be compared with one pistade two hands, one that goes, another one that comes. That is, one speaks, outroresponde. Each one to its time, with calm, seriousness and respect. Alongevidade of a marriage if measures for the intensity of the docasal dialogue. The practical one of the mutismo is one of the forms subtlest of the orgulhohumano. To eliminate it is wise and constructive decision.

Today Moment

" To this age no longer I can ". Et cetera When adding tasks and I put what you are doing is to disperse to your concentration and your energies, which, if you oriented in a single " blanco" either objective, they would make possible to make specific it easily the more since all resources would aim there. In order to avoid this dispersion of energies you must find what it is really important for you at this moment, to make a list of priorities in your life and to assign the amount to them of taken care of time and that they need according to its level of importance. Today I want dejarte some advice born from my own experience so that you can decide that it is what it really matters and how to avoid the anxiety that produces being distributing to your energies in little effective form Present Ten that always you can return on your steps. What you choose not to make today this private preserve for always in your life, you cannot return to it when decide you it. Each experience or project in your life has an importance level according to the moment at you choose which it. It enjoys the way that you have chosen and ten in account that you must put everything of you to arrive at a end that satisfies you. All the goals that you wish to reach you will obtain, them when it is the opportune moment. It is probable that at this moment of your life it is not the moment for reaching them simply so that you choose other objectives like high-priority to these. Ten in account that all the objectives that I reach and all the slips and failures that you have in the way to reach your objectives, will leave an education you, which will cause that to reach other goals it is more easy thanks to the wisdom that you will have acquired.