Reporting Positive Results

From 4 to 7 June EURO-LOG presented innovative solutions for the logistics at the international trade fair transport logistic Hallbergmoos-Munchen, 14 June 2013 – the record number of visitors made logistic transport in Munich for the IT service provider EURO-LOG the full success. The exhibition provided a successful platform for the expansion of new and existing business relationships. The visitors of EURO-LOG stand used the various presentations to learn about the potential of mobile logistics solutions and intelligent use of data along the supply chain. Logistics managers from different sectors reported by current projects for the optimisation of logistics processes. Approaches provide innovative systems that enable a timely taxes of throughout the supply chain. EURO-LOG introduced innovations such as a dynamic time window management system with a flexible and short term Slotbuchung at the fair. Mobile logistics solutions such as the new app mobile track carry help to replace paper-inducing processes and procedures to accelerate. The application of mobile track facilitates the Statusing and levy for general cargo, FTL, LTL, and hub transport.

The app supports the driver because it thinks for itself and in everyday life provides real added value. Thus, mobile track, for example, on the basis of Pack units State proposes a logically appropriate shipment status. Their practical experience with mobile track were Alexander von Essen, head of IT and Erich Steinberger, Director sales, GS cargo logistics, the numerous visitors at the EUROLOG booth before. GS cargo logistics is the advantage especially in the ease of use of the app. Mobile track by EURO-LOG offers us the opportunity to put latest technology cost-effectively, at very high acceptance of our drivers and subcontractors”so Alexander von Essen. Even when the other lectures of 24plus, HYDAC, Ingram Micro, Lufthansa Cargo and WEPA at the booth of EURO-LOG the response of the trade visitors was positive. We take the transport logistic this year many interesting suggestions and look forward to exciting Projects”, so Jorg Furbacher, Director of the EURO-LOG AG.

The IT service provider EUROLOG EURO-LOG AG was founded in 1992 as a joint venture of Deutsche Telekom, France Telecom and digital equipment. in 1997 the company was owned company one people”and the leading providers of IT and process integration developed within this dynamic one. Over 80 employees provide a consistent efficiency of logistic processes between suppliers, logistics service providers, trade, industry and customers today at Munchen Hallbergmoos headquarters with its own data centers, innovative applications, and individual connections. EURO-LOG implements comprehensive process solutions both shippers and forwarders page. EURO-LOG offers include solutions such as supply chain management, E-billing, ONE TRACK, container management and time window management for the manufacturing industry. The transport portal, mobile logistics solutions as she specially designed mobile app track which are ONE LINK order capture and range management for logistics service provider Solutions. Today, customers in the industries use automotive, trade, high-tech, electronics, consumer goods, chemistry and pharmaceuticals, logistics services and collaborations, engineering and more integration solutions by EURO-LOG.

Investment challenges

Private investors can be gained in cooperatives. But they also often have with nature conservation, manages, low membership numbers and correspondingly weak means to fight. Offshore wind energy was the long-awaited breath of fresh air. Meanwhile disillusionment comes here, too. More and more companies pull back from the former hope market. The faltering network expansion is just one of the reasons. High costs and many unclear political conditions complicate planning security to investors.

And constantly blazing anger with nature protection associations makes it not easier. Cost pressures by international providers is growing in addition to the decline in investment for more and more producers the question arises about the cost. This is not surprising. Meanwhile, China brings several companies in the global top ten of manufacturers of wind Turbines. Provided this Operations in the first years the domestic market still first, reigns here now large export aspirations. That leaves the prices tumble. Some market observers to speak openly of prices. Who wants to stay competitive, needs appropriate values in his company, such as technical expertise, efficiency and clever marketing strategies.

Not only Europe is a lucrative market for the Asian wind power? Other emerging markets are in the sights of the Chinese. An unfavorable development for the export-oriented German wind power industry. Sustainable development of expertise is becoming increasingly important. Helps the way to more efficiency and lower costs? We say: No. Here we provided the question again and again by participating business leaders: where is some savings and increase efficiency? “.” “After our assessment you must replace the cost issue with another, namely: how to Setup from me as a whole the best?” A sole tightening of spending and increase efficiency in the production leads often to dangerous Savings over vital areas, such as marketing and communication. Innovative and effective sales strategies are also helpful as intelligent communication concepts and modern external appearance. This should be taken into account in the budget, and also efficiently developed. A such selective market offers opportunities for those who recognize and skillfully on the challenges your business align.

BBW Study Economic Factor

BBW study economic factor (from) life 2013: business with the demise of the cloak of silence is covered mostly religiously. While billions of euros implemented in this business year. BBW marketing has now conducted a representative population survey of 1,000 people on this topic as well as interviews of decision-makers in funeral services in cooperation with Nelson. The results were recorded in a comprehensive study. More than half of respondents (58 percent) believes that the society too little dealing with the topic. This means that a far-reaching lack of communication within the society faced with the concrete, individual experiences of individual people. Therefore the social debate on the subject of dying and death, in which those in charge of policy, health system and the general population involved is necessary.

On the other hand, death only for a minority (17%) is a taboo subject, you hate talks about that. But taboo subject to and Taboo here, dying is a business which involves billion sales. About 870,000 people died last year in Germany. And rising, thanks to demographic change each year almost 1 million people are likely to be buried in 10 years. And the list of groups and institutions which benefit from the demise of the people is long.

It starts already at the private survivor’s pension, extends to real estate agents about the funeral industry. Last year, the life insurance achieved according GDV post revenues of 84.1 billion euros of which at least two-thirds on insurance accounted according to his own calculations using death protection. Take advantage of the (AB) lives of its citizens but also the municipalities and provinces. The cemetery fees rising seemingly inexorably. The source of income inheritance tax is bubbling vigorously without any politically-motivated increases from currently 4.3 billion euros to around 5 billion euros per year by 2020. The heritage amounts are not only saved by the heirs, but about 80 Billions of euros annually at the disposition. But not for all participants of the market”, the prospects are good. The funeral industry has to contend with the cheaper cremations. Currently, whose share is 51 percent. Five years ago the industry still a turnover of EUR 2 billion, last year, there were still good 1.7 billion euros the bbw market study according to. Overall bbw marketing estimated the funeral market with gastronomy and others at 5.2 billion, the survivor’s market 4.9 billion and the heritage market on whopping 238 billion. The bbw analysis economic factor (from) life 2013 with the almost 300 pages for the first time engaged in this not so commonly discussed topic. This study can be obtained at: bbw marketing Dr. Vossen & partner, Liebig Street 23, D-41464 Neuss, phone: 02131.2989722, fax: 02131.2989721, e-mail:. For more information about the financial studies see:.

Terrence Aubrey

As I have already said these Russian, Ukrainian girls have reached Western standards a maturity beyond their years, so there is the potential and the possibility of meeting halfway. There is a popular belief now in the West that 50 years is the new 30 and 60 the new 40. This in my opinion, must depend on the person and must depend on lifestyle, attitudes and personality of each individual. What we all do need a relationship? what will keep a lively and mutually satisfying relationship? This same facility can be achieved in a relationship of age difference and there is no reason why should not be both or more success. What is the food and drink of any successful relationship, which can hold a relationship in a difficult moment? Mutual respect, understanding and, to some extent the disinterest.

Why not an employment relationship of different ages? In many respects, due to experience, that has more chance of success. A final point, most likely is if your partner is the Russian or Ukrainian is to see very well, and they attract much attention from other guys and we’re going to face the most women enjoy be admired Yes? It makes them feel good. Do not feel vulnerable, remember that you choose and so far that give your love thing who needs you, respect, kindness and support that is yours. Slavic women are, possibly, the most loyal on the planet and so far that not the unit of distance that can be yours and only yours. True love knows some limitations. Working with Russia, Ukraine ladies on a daily basis is clear to see what you are looking for, what we expect.If you have been blessed with the internal qualities that are so attractive that can win the heart of one of these ladies. Terrence Aubrey. Original author and source of the article

Tenancy Law Reform Legislation

Gamdhi casting House Management informed about the change in the law for the benefit of the lessor. Within the tenancy law reform in 2013, the landlord receives a strengthening law that touched the grounds for her dismissal. A new 569 ABS. 3 BGB is the rental housing about the existing possibilities, now the right to immediate termination without prior notice when the tenant with a deposit amount in arrears, the two net rental income achieved. Gamdhi casting House Management informed about the change in the law for the benefit of the lessor. What are the requirements apply the legislature recognizes the immediate termination of the landlord now for non-payment of the deposit.

This may well, without, that he must give a warning before, terminate the tenancy without notice. If the tenant of pay the agreed amount by two month rent deposit has not complied. The landlord must the tenant give the possibility remains, the security deposit in three monthly installments to pay off. Still, the lessee the chance, similar to when the termination without notice due to delay in payment, to render ineffective the termination. Then, when he makes the payment of arrears.

The requirements in the overview: A warning is not required in advance. The outstanding deposit amount must have reached the height of 2 months rent. The deposit must have been due prior to the rental. In addition, the lessee with the amount in the amount of 2 month rent in arrears must have come. According to 551 II BGB, the lessee has the ability to provide the deposit in three same monthly part payments. The first instalment at the beginning of the lease, the two further instalments together with the immediately accrued payments ( 551 II p. 2 and 3 BGB) for detailed information about all services the House Administration Gamdhi casting available at any time. Press contact House administrative Gierschner contact person: Mr Gamdhi Fountain trail 3 35394 Giessen Tel.: 06 41 / 93 02 86 fax: 06 41 / 93 02 88 email: Homepage: