Plaza Catalunya

Many of them helped in the reconstruction of the camp. Volunteers were in charge of cleaning the entire plaza. They will maintain a peaceful attitude toward fans who come to celebrate a supposed victory for Barca in the Champions League. Hundreds of citizens of all ages have visited the plaza de Cataluna, some to encourage the outraged to continue with their protest, and others to assist in the reorganization of the camp after the police operation on Friday, which has achieved more adhesions than ever to the protest movement. Families with children who have participated in workshops in painting organized by the campers, senior that they have attended the spontaneous interventions on the facts of this Friday and the situation in the country, curious, and people of all ages have become this Saturday the square a real feast. The first thing you did this morning the outraged has been leaving clean square as a paten, to prove that the police action of yesterday, with the excuse he had to clean, was unnecessary and only sought to evict them. Brooms, mops, water, SOAP and bleach have been used by youth brigades to clean the large center circle of plaza Catalunya much more vigorously than in the earlier days of camping.

What everyone expects now is to see the stance to be taken with regard to a possible celebration in the nearby Rambla de a victory for FC Barcelona in the final of the Champions League, a decision which the campers take in an Assembly, as they have said. They have reminded, through a statement sent to the media, before the celebrations that might occur they will have a peaceful and respectful attitude as they are doing so far, and that there will be no provocative towards people who held the title in case of victory of FC Barcelona. In this statement, also calls on las Penas barcelonistas to convey to their fans the message of respect towards people who are camping, as well as to the facilities, and they expect that coexistence is possible within a tolerant but festive atmosphere.