Espirito Santo

Data aiming at the consolation Dos Santos? Jo. 14:16: ‘ ‘ I will supplicate the Father, and it he will give another Comforter to you, so that he is with you forever ‘ ‘. h. Data for that they obey the God? At. 5:32: ‘ ‘ we are witnesses of these things, and well thus the Espirito Santo, that God gave to whom it obedecem’ ‘.

5. NAMES ATTRIBUTED TO the Espirito Santo. Spirit of Really? Jo. 14:17: ‘ ‘ the Spirit of the truth, which the world cannot receive; because it sees not it knows nor it; but know it, because it inhabits with you, and will be in vs’ ‘. Joo: 15:26? ‘ ‘ When to come the Comforter, who will send I you of the part of the Father, the Spirit of the truth, who of the Father proceeds, this will give certification of mim’ ‘. b.

Spirit of the Favour? Zc. 12:10: ‘ ‘ But on the house of Davi, and the inhabitants of Jerusalem, I will spill Spirit of favour and suplications; will look at for that one to who had assigned, they will prantearo and it as who pranteia for its only son; will cry bitterly for it, as it is cried for primognito’ ‘. c. Spirit of the Life? Rm. 8:2: ‘ ‘ Because the law of the Spirit of the life, in Christ Jesus exempted, you of the law of the sin and morte’ ‘. d. Spirit of the Promise? E. 1:13: ‘ ‘ in which also it, having heard the word of the truth, evangelho of your salvation, and having in believed it also, were stamped with the Espirito Santo of the promise ‘ ‘. e. Spirit of Adoption? Rm. 8:15: ‘ ‘ Because you did not receive the spirit from slavery, another time to be with fear, but you received the spirit from adoption, for which we clamamos: Border, Father! ‘ ‘.